September 28, 2023

Stunning Website for a Top Real Estate Developer

Client Objectives

A leading real estate development company aspired to create a digital platform that mirrored the luxury of their property developments. Their ambition was for a sophisticated, high-quality website that not only elegantly displayed their portfolio of properties with elegance but also highlight their dedication to superior quality and client satisfaction. The goal was to develop an online presence that stood out, promoting user engagement and showcasing their unique property solutions.

Our Approach and Implementation

Here's how Infitech tackled this project:
  1. Web Design and User Interface: We built a website that looks amazing and is easy to use, making sure it works well on phones, tablets, and computers. Enhanced with interactive features, the site was designed to captivate and engage potential buyers and investors.
  2. Content Strategy: We focused on content that tells the company's story, showing how they make unique and personalized homes.
  3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): We used SEO strategies to help the website show up better in search results, important for people to find the company's projects.

Technological Arsenal

To make the client's vision come true, we used:
  • WordPress CMS: A flexible and easy-to-manage system for the website.
  • Custom Plugins: For listing properties and connecting with the CRM system.
  • React for the Front-End: To update the website content quickly and smoothly.
  • Digital Marketing Tools: Yoast SEO, Google Analytics, and Search Console for improving and tracking the website's performance.

Challenges Along the Way

Navigating through challenges:
  • Image and Video Optimization: Making high-quality photos load quickly was a bit of a puzzle.
  • CRM Integration: We had to do some custom coding to get the CRM system working perfectly with the website.
  • Design for All Devices: We made sure the website looked luxurious on every device, which required some extra design work.

Successful Results

The new website was a hit:
  • More Visitors: The site's traffic went up by 50% each month after launch.
  • Boost in Lead Generation: The company got 30% more leads through the website.
  • Improved User Engagement: With a 40% lower bounce rate, people were staying on the site longer.

What's Next

Plans for continuous improvement include:
  • CRM Advancements: Expanding CRM capabilities for greater automation and enriched client engagement.
  • Persistent SEO and Content Evolution: To sustain and improve the website’s search engine ranking, adapting to market trends and maintaining its competitive edge.
  • Introducing VR Project Tours: To offer immersive virtual tours of development projects, providing a unique viewing experience.

Infitech is dedicated to supporting the real estate development firm’s ongoing success and digital evolution, ensuring the website continues to scale and adapt to the company’s dynamic growth and market demands.
Web Design & Development Services

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